Solution to Exquisite Equation

We want to find the solution to the Exquisite Equation. However, many of you may notice that there are 3 variables and only 2 equations. This means that x can be any amount of protons! Tough luck, you solve the equation so can’t do your experiment. Well, you could build a new LHC in fifteen minutes.

x=6\,000\,000+E^+\frac{2-e^{\frac{-1}{N^+}}-e^\frac{-3}{N^+}}{N^+}-3E^+-1\\[8pt] \frac{E^+-E^+e^\frac{-3}{N^+}}{N^+e^\frac1{N^+}}= 1\,000\,000\\[32pt] x\in\Bbb Z

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